AWP tires

What is an AWP tire?

TNR offers a wide range of AWP tires, also mentioned as Aerial Lift Tires,Solid Boom Lift tires, scissorlift tires.awp tires

AWPs short for aerial work platforms, which together with mobile elevated work platforms (MEWPs) are used by thousands of workers all over the world every day for a near-endless list of jobs.

AWPs provide alternatives to scaffolding and ladders and allow workers to complete tasks at heights. All kinds of industries use aerial work platforms and different types of construction lifts, from landscaping companies to maintenance facilities to industrial cleaning companies and more.

The main components of an aerial work platform include a base structure (typically a wheeled vehicle to move the MEWP or AWP into place), an extending structure with chassis, and a flat workspace with controls for the operator to control the lift.

Different types of AWP tires

Air-filled Tires:  Also named Pneumatic tire, they are designed to increase the mobility of a AWP on sensitive ground conditions, such as sand and turf. Air-filled tires are engineered to “float” on soft or delicate surfaces to protect softer surfaces during operation that could be damaged by the more aggressive tread on regular rough terrain tires.

Foam-filled Tires:  Pneumatic tires that are injected with a polyurethane that adds rigidity to the tires and prevents flats. These are required on some models to provide necessary stability. They are also good for environments with nails and other ground debris that tend to puncture tires. More information of Foam-filled tires.

Rough-terrain Tires: Tires with an aggressive tread design for improved rough-terrain capability. Standard on rough-terrain models. These tires are best for unimproved sites and muddy, wet ground conditions. Many rough-terrain tire options are available as non-marking versions for jobs that start as dirt and end as slab.

Non-marking Tires The Non-marking tires leave no black marks on the floor and are standard on most industrial models. They are good to use if marking is a concern in applications such as late-stage slab construction.

Non-marking tires are most commonly made of solid rubber but also available in pneumatic styles.
All the AWP tire sizes could be made as NON-MARKING TIRES.

AWP tire size list

 Tire SizePRPattern CodeRim Size Inflation Pressure
Section Width
Overall Diameter
Max Load (kg)10km/h
385/65D22.5 (15-22.5)16R422.5×11.7569039010705590
445/65D22.5 (18-22.5)18R422.5×1369045011507320
355/55D625 (14-24.5)14R424.5×11.755203509403450
385/50D625  (15-625)A16R424.5×1369038610105600
385/50D625  (15-625)B16R424.5×136903869605600
445/50D710 (18-710)18R428×1559044511807320
39×15-22.5 A16R422.5×136903759706525
39×15-22.5 B16R422.5×136903609406525
385/65D19.5 (15-19.5)16R4W19.5×11.7555038910064935
445/65D19.5 (18-19.5)16R4W19.5×1358044510066000
240/55D17.5 12M0117.5×6.756902207152000
240/55D17.5 12M0217.5×6.756902207152000

Applications of tires

SizeMachineModelPart Number
10-16.5GENIEZ34, GS3384RT, Z34-22RT139466, 139465, 139467, 139468, 131340B, 131341B, 42321, 42322
10-16.5HAULOTTEH12SX(L), H15SX(L), H18SX(L)196P307712, 196P307702, 2601802730, 2601802720, 196P310401, 196P310391
10-16.5 NMGENIEZ34IC1279191, 1279192, 1279194, 1279193, 87239, 87238
12-16.5JLG25RTS, 33RTS, 40RTS, 400RTS, 500RTS, 3394RT/4394RT253087, 253088, 0270076
12-16.5GENIES40, S4533406, 81492, 33407, 81493, 1271445, 1271444, 1271441, 1271440
12-16.5 NMJLG3394RT/4394RT0270654, 0270655, 0270651, 0270652
12-16.5 NMGENIES40, S45102802D, 102803D
14-17.5JLG600A, 600AJ0271611, 0271610
14-17.5GENIEZ45-25JRT60085, 60084
14-17.5HAULOTTEHA16SPX, HA18SPX, HA46SJRT2326014570, 2326014580, 2326014530, 2326014540
15-19.5JLG600S, 600SJ, 660SJ0273240, 0273239
15-19.5GENIES60, S65, Z60-34RT, S60, S65, Z60, Z60-34RT73182, 73183, 73261, 73260, 75581D, 75580D
15-22.5HAULOTTEHA20PX, HA26PX, H21TX, H23TPX, H25TPX148B168430, 148B168440
15-625JLG800S, 800A, 800AJ, 860SJ0271086, 0271085
18-625JLG740AJ, 800A, 800AJ, 800S, 860SJ0271091, 0271090
18-625GENIEZ80, S80, S85121287E, 121286E, 139829GT, 139828GT, 88258B, 88259B, 139829GT, 139828GT, 227805GT, 227804GT
240/55D17.5JLGE/M450AJP, 3369LE, 4069LE, M3369, M4069, E400AJP, M400AJP, E450A, E450AJ, M450A, M450AJ258997
240/55D17.5 (NM)JLGE/M450AJP, 3369LE, 4069LE, M3369, M4069, E400AJP, M400AJP, E450A, E450AJ, M450A, M450AJ273468
265/50D20JLG340AJ1001117132, 1001117131, 1001118649, 1001121678
26×12GENIEGS-2669DC, GS-3369DC, GS-4069DC1258624A, 1258625A, 1258626A, 1258627A
26×12 NMGENIEGS-2669DC, GS-3369DC, GS-4069DC1258628A, 1258629A, 1258630A, 1258631A
26×12-16.5HAULOTTECOMPACT 10/12 DX128B170820, 128P307871
26x12D380GENIEGS-2668, GS-3268, GS-2669, GS-3369, GS-406979102, 79101
305-546GENIEGS-3390, GS-4390, GS-5390, GS-84, GS-901260037, 1260036
315/55D20JLG450A, 450AJ1001166156, 1001166155, 1001170099, 1001170098
315/55D20GENIEGS-3390 RT, GS-4390 RT, GS-5390, Z-45-25 IC, Z-45-25 J IC, Z51/30J1258761A, 1258762A, 1258179, 12581783, 1283706, 1283705, 1283709, 1283710, 217199, 217198, 237915, 237914
315/55D20 NMGENIEZ-45-25 IC, Z-45-25 J IC, Z51/30J1283708, 1283707, 1283712, 1283711, 217193, 217192
33×15.5-16.5JLG450A, 450AJ, 3394RT/4394RT0258011, 0258012
355/55D625JLG600A, 600AJ4520345, 4520344, 1001146828, 1001146827 (1001207345)
355/55D625GENIE25JRT, 30JRT, Z45, Z60, Z62/40, S60, S65, S-60X/XC94662D, 94663D, 77790GT, 77791GT, 77791GT, 77790GT
355/55D625 NMGENIES60, S65, Z60106647D, 106648D
36/14LL x 22.5 NMJLGE600J, E600JP, M600J, M600JP0272692, 0272693
385/65-19.5JLG600SJ0255300, 0257866, 0271616, 0255301, 0257867, 273239
385/65-22.5GENIES80, S8530994, 81530, 30995, 81531
385/65D19.5JLG60HA, 800A, 800AJ, 110HX, 80H, 100SX, 110SX, 110 SXJ0271615, 0271614, 0258328, 0258327, 0259442, 0259456, 0259443, 0259455, 0259907, 0259908
385/65D22.5GENIES100, S10560956, 60957, 149286, 149285
385/65D22.5HAULOTTEHA16PX, HA18PX, HA20PX, H23TPX, H25TPX, HA260PX2326014520, 2326014510, 157P310380, 157P310370
385/65D22.5 SolidGENIES100, S105149286A, 149285A, 149286, 149285
445/50D710JLG1350 SJP, 1200 SJP, 1250 AJP, 1500SJ, 1850SJ0272055, 0272056, 1001112716, 1001112669, 101147616, 101149711, 1001188461, 1001188462
445D50/710GENIEZ80, S120, S125, Z135227772, 227773, 139829GT, 139828GT, 1275103C, 1275102, T111703, T111702, 149284, 149283
445/55D19.5JLG800A, 800AJ0258334, 0258333
445/65D22.5JLG120HX0259444, 0259445, 0259904, 0259905
445/65D22.5GENIES120, S125, Z13550188, 50032, 149284, 149283
445/65D22.5HAULOTTEHA32PX, HA100RTJ, HA41PX, HA41RTJPro, H43TPX158P308040
9-14.5GENIEZ34-22IC, Z45-25J, Z45-25DC, Z45-24BI (<16128)54237, 54236
9-14.5 (ND)GENIEZ34-22IC, Z45-25J, Z45-25DC, Z45-24BI (<16128), Z45-22 IC, Z45-22 DC, Z34, Z45DC45461, 45460, 45461 FF, 45460 FF, 45094 AF, 45093 AF